I guess I'm the type to feel like a memoir can be crafted in many ways, not just essays but with photography, and poetry, and hell even quilts and other needle art. What's really hindering you? Certainly not some short string of words, undoubtedly cool, but just a string of words. I wonder... if you want to explore, go for it. I think you've answered your own question. :)
I think many of us are feeling restricted by what we think we should be putting out, according to our brands (and readers). But better to be writing what the heck lights us up than trying to mould ourselves to how others have boxed us as.
As for the name, perhaps there’s more in the “art” (=creative freedom/expression)aspect that you can play on.
Here for this, Kiki! I find being a writer is learning how to artfully ride these waves, because they'll come whether we want them to or not. So I hope you find the freedom you seek as you continue to pour out these words. I — and I'm sure many others — will happily read whatever overflows. :-)
Hey! Welcome to Medium. I think it's super smart to write here and on Medium. Rented land & a home you own. Welcome and if you need any help or support, let me know!
I guess I'm the type to feel like a memoir can be crafted in many ways, not just essays but with photography, and poetry, and hell even quilts and other needle art. What's really hindering you? Certainly not some short string of words, undoubtedly cool, but just a string of words. I wonder... if you want to explore, go for it. I think you've answered your own question. :)
I LOVE this response. You are SO right about what memoir "is..."
Man, everybody's jumping ship from Medium and coming over to Substack now. At least I know where to find some of my old Medium acquaintances...
I'll have to look for Christopher's new thing here.
As for you, Kiki- you just write what you feel like writing...
I think many of us are feeling restricted by what we think we should be putting out, according to our brands (and readers). But better to be writing what the heck lights us up than trying to mould ourselves to how others have boxed us as.
As for the name, perhaps there’s more in the “art” (=creative freedom/expression)aspect that you can play on.
I love this piece. I can feel the freedom coming back to you. It's refreshing, and so great to be here with you.
Once you left Medium, it was all over! ;-) Nice to see you, David!
Here for this, Kiki! I find being a writer is learning how to artfully ride these waves, because they'll come whether we want them to or not. So I hope you find the freedom you seek as you continue to pour out these words. I — and I'm sure many others — will happily read whatever overflows. :-)
Hey! Welcome to Medium. I think it's super smart to write here and on Medium. Rented land & a home you own. Welcome and if you need any help or support, let me know!
Thanks, Kristina! (We share the same name, btw. I'm also a Kristina.)